
Custom Form Class / Adding Generic Functionality?

Ben Paul MBCS

Ben Paul MBCS


Hi All,
I am a developer who has been primarily developing financial software with Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9, I am just talking my initial steps into C# Windows Forms Development and seem to be getting on quite well, however there are just a few things still confusing me.
I am used to developing software professionally using a company 'Framework' that removes the need for many of the tasks that I am finding 'time consuming' within C# and Visual Studio.
For example, I would like the ability to create a 'Customised Form Class', this class would be the base class for all forms that are included within my application, I could then write all of the generic methods and properties that each form should include, im just talking methods that enable / disable each control on a page and properties that set the 'Enabled' / 'Disabled' state of the form (Assignable from an MDIParent?)
Is this possible? Im used to using FoxPro that enables me to base a new form on a customised 'Form' class.
I have read that C# will allow you to inherit only one class in a heiarchy, if this is the case, how would you add generic functionality to each form? Your help would be hugely appreciated.
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