
CSV Files

Selahattin Cilek

Selahattin Cilek

Hi This is my first message on c-sharpcorner.com and I hope I'm not breaking any rules. :) I'm an amateur C# programmer from Turkey. I love this language and spend almost all of my free time learning and writing in this powerful language. For a project of mine, I had to be able to create *.xls files using C# code. I tried to use Office interoperability but failed and then, after some research, found out Aspose.Cells. Then, "Why not do something similar for CSV files?" I asked to myself; and started to work. After a lot of trial-error, I managed to put together a working cellular design like that of spreadsheets. I'm not claiming that it is the most elegant design ever, but I believe it deserves your attention. I demand that you, as experienced programmers, download and evaluate my design and send me your precious feedback. I'm waiting for criticism, suggestions, bug fixes etc. from you; I want to thank anyone interested in advance. Solution File: http://rapidshare.com/files/102735257/SCilek.CSVFile.rar My E-Mail: [email protected]