
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control ‘dataGridView1’

Murali Kris

Murali Kris

Hi Mates,
I would to get all some data from sharePoint site using win form for UI.
InFact i am getting expected output if not using Asynch, await(multi threading) but when i apply multi threading it thows below error.
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'dataGridView1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
yes i am using data table to add columns, calling a function to add columns.
Actual Code from here :
private String lists() // function here for actual logic here to get data.
var st = "";
if (Global.sctx != null)
Web web = Global.sctx.Web;
Global.sctx.Load(web, w => w.Lists);
ListCollection listcoll = web.Lists;
addcolumnsdatatable(); // here calling method for add coulunms.
foreach (List list in listcoll)
var dr = dt.NewRow();
st = list.Title;
dr["List Names"] = list.Title;
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; // error here with Cross-thread operation not valid
return string.Empty;
private async void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Task<string> getliststhread = new Task<string>(lists);
label10.Text = "Loading lists please wait...";
var getLists = await getliststhread;
label10.Text = "List Exported Grid View Sucessfully...";
void addcolumnsdatatable() //adding columns here
dt.Columns.Add("List Names", typeof(String));
kindly help me here with peaice if script where to add, what should i add going forward to avoid errors.
thanks In Advance.
Answers (3)