
creative software developer opportunity



Hello all, Browsing around I came across your forum, thought some of you might find this event of interest... Hope you don't mind! :) If you're a creative/interactive/collaborative software developer, then listen up... b.TWEEN is the UK’s biggest annual interactive media industry gathering. It is designed to inform and inspire leaders of companies that exploit digital technologies in innovative ways.. There will be talk about ARG & pervasive gaming, social networks , project funding and the whole new spectrum of convergent media. Workshops, one2ones, quickfire presentations, interactive global streams come together in an all singing, all dancing geek fest! This is a unique opportunity to meet creative technology pioneers and turn your idea into a commercial proposition. It's being held in Bradford, 14-15th June - Check out the website for more info: http://www.just-b.com/btween .Thanks for reading P.