
Creating Custom DataGrid Column



Hi all, I'm developing a custom DataGrid Column, that hosts a custom IPAddress Control. I Should override the Paint mathod to paint the desiered text on the GridColumn when the Paint method is called because the DataGrid USer clicks the last row in the grid to insert a new value. i retrieve the value from the Column using "GetColumnValueAtRow ( source,rowNum )" and Paint it as shown in the code below. i handled the problem of retrieving an invalid value but assign the NullText property that i previosly set. But still the Paint draws 4 extra empty rows instead of only one. anyway seems that i'm not handling the Paint method properly so does anyone knows how i should handle the Paint method when the User clicks on the last row in the DataGrid to insert a new value. protected override void Paint ( Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, CurrencyManager source, int rowNum, Brush backBrush, Brush foreBrush, bool alignToRight ) { try { string strIPAddress = "" ; try { strIPAddress = ( string ) GetColumnValueAtRow ( source, rowNum ) ; } catch { strIPAddress = this.NullText ; } Rectangle rect = bounds ; g.FillRectangle ( backBrush,rect ) ; rect.Offset ( 0, 2 ) ; rect.Height -= 2 ; g.DrawString ( strIPAddress , this.DataGridTableStyle.DataGrid.Font, foreBrush, rect ) ; } catch { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ( false ) ; } }