
creating a document working area

Matthew Bagley

Matthew Bagley

Hey guys need a little help with this one,
Basicly what I want to do is have a working area in my application, I am creating a free program but all the forms need to load into the working area of form 1.

I have setup panels to seperate the form up but how do I go about loading a form in say panel2?

btw it is being coded in VB.NET and it is a windows form programe

********** EDIT *********
I have progressed further to the point where I can load a form into a panel however it is not giving the required results

To show a form in a panel I do the following
        Dim frm As New Form2

        frm.TopLevel = False
        frm.Parent = Me.mainPanel

However when the form2 is maximized in the panel it overhangs causing scroll bars to appear and also when maximised I would need it to remove the title bar of the form and dock the minimize, maxamize and close buttons onto the menu :(

Thanks in advance