creating a class which implements IBindingList and has objects, so that we can bind it to datagrid
I have written a small program which reads from objects included in an arraylist and populates the grid with their properties.
The datasource to the grid is an arraylist which consists of a collection of structures (my structure has a target and source
This is my code which goes into form load and will explain everything.
creating 2 objects
myObj mo1 = new myObj();
myObj ms2 = new myObj();
is my first source";"this is my first target";
mo2.source="this is
my second source";"this is how i want my second target to look like";
I then add these objects to an arraylist.
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
I have set this arraylist as datasource to my grid.
Now, what i really want is to save the changes made in the grid back to the objects so that i can write them back to a file or something.
but as my datasource is an arraylist i cannot save the changes to the objects contained in the arraylist.
I have read and want to implement the IBindingList interface for my datasource.
By doing this i will be able to use methods and save the changes made back to the objects.
But, my problem is that i do not know how to implement this interface, i guess that i will have to make a new class which implements this interface and set it as datasource to the grid.
But i dont have any clue how to do it.
Can anyone please help me out on this. pllllllease.
thanks a lot in advance,