
Create online Exam question using C# in ASP.Net

Paul Rajs

Paul Rajs

hi Developers ,
I am creating a Project like Online tutorial .
i need to create a Online Test Page for that. this is very very important module of my project.
=> 10 questions . each question and page should be appear in each page dynamically.
there is only one question should be available on a Page.so if there is 10 questions na they should be appear on 10 pages Randomly.
=> Each question Must have Previous , Next and Skip option.
=> Questions should be bind from database .
=> Choose the best type
=> finally Result and marks should be Calculate.
that's all.
above these all modules i need to done. so anyone know this Logic please guide me to how i am done this module .
thanks with
"Man Becomes what he Thinks About"
Answers (2)