
Create metafile in C# with specified resolution (dpi)



Hello, I'm fairly new to C# .NET and have been working with GDI+ and creating metafiles. I am having one particluar problem however. I am trying to create a metafile that has a certain minimum resolution (specifically, one that has at least 300 dpi for both the x and y axes). I have figured out how to create the metafile using a memory stream, bounding rectangle, and Metafile units like so: PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings(); Graphics graphics = printerSettings.GetMeasurementGraphics(); IntPtr ipHdc = graphics.GetHdc(); Metafile mf = new Metafile( new System.IO.MemoryStream(), ipHdc, new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), MetafileFrameUnit.Document, EmfType.EmfPlusDual ); graphics.ReleaseHdc( ipHdc ); graphics.Dispose(); Graphics grfxMetafile = Graphics.FromImage( mf ); // .. from here, do drawing, etc.... Now I create the metafile just fine and can draw to it, yadda yadda. The problem comes with the Graphics object I use to create the metafile and the drawing. I need the output dpi to be very high (300) because when I send this to the poster printer, i need very high resolution or it looks bad. So I'm stuck trying to get a high dpi device to get a Graphics object with a high dpi. So enter getting the graphics from the PrinterSettings. The problem is, what happens if there is no printer installed (printer settings get graphics call relies on a default printer being installed with a high dpi printer). When I copy/paste this metafile into other documents, I want the metafile to keep the high dpi I created it with. So my question is this: how do you create a high-dpi graphics object to create a metafile in order to have that metafile have a high dpi? Getting a Graphics from a bitmap or other image gives you a dpi that is of screen resolution (96dpi). Does it matter what dpi you use on your graphics object when creating the metafile? I am a bit confused on how to proceed, and google searches turn up mostly empty, or little useful information. Petzold uses the PrinterSettings in his book but as I mentioned I can't rely on a high dpi printer being installed. Any ideas? Thanks much in advance... gjb1