
Create a console-based lottery game application - Help needed by anyone




1.       Create a console-based lottery game application. Generate three random numbers, each between 1 and 4. Allow the user to guess three numbers. Compare each of the user's guesses to the three random numbers and display a message that includes the user's guess, the randomly deter-mined three-digit number, and the amount of money the user has won as follows:

Matching Numbers                                        Award ($)

Any one matching                                           10

Two matching                                                 100

Three matching, not in order                      1000

Three matching in exact order                   10,000

No matches                                                        0

Make certain that your application accommodates repeating digits. For example, if a user guesses 1, 2, and 3, and the randomly generated digits are 1, 1, and 1, do not give the user credit for three correct guesses—just one. Save the file as Lottery.cs.


Errors :  program work but give me different result ... i want result as above mansion in question help me its my 1st Question on this great  website


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

namespace random


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            // declaring integers

            int iNum1;

            int iNum2;

            int iNum3;


            int iCount = 0;

            int iGuess;

            int iRandom;

            int iAmount;

            // declaring constants

            const int iBALLS = 3;

            const int iMATCHONE = 10;

            const int iMATCHTWO = 100;

            const int iMATCHTHREE = 1000;

            const int iMATCHFOUR = 10000;

            // array

            // generating random numbers

            Random randomnumber = new Random();

            iNum1 = randomnumber.Next(1, 4);

            iNum2 = randomnumber.Next(1, 4);

            iNum3 = randomnumber.Next(1, 4);


            iRandom = iNum1 + iNum2 + iNum3 ;

            for (iCount = 0; iCount < iBALLS; iCount++)


                Console.Write("\nNo:" + (iCount + 1) + " Choose your number: ");

                iGuess = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

                while (iGuess < 1 || iGuess > 4)


                    Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect number please try again");

                    iGuess = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());


                iAmount = 0;

                if (iGuess == iNum1)


                    Console.WriteLine("you won $" + iMATCHONE);


                    //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");




                 if (iGuess == iNum2)


                    Console.WriteLine("you won $" + iMATCHTWO);


                    //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");




                 if (iGuess == iNum3)


                    Console.WriteLine("you won $" + iMATCHTHREE);


                    //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");




                 if (iGuess == iNum1 && iGuess == iNum2 && iGuess == iNum3)


                    Console.WriteLine("you won $" + iMATCHFOUR);


                    //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");




                Console.WriteLine("you have matched " + iAmount + " numbers");


            Console.WriteLine("The numbers are " + iNum1 + ", " + iNum2 + ", " + iNum3 + ", ");





Answers (2)