
create a complete managemet letter(ML) template.

czu Bhattarai

czu Bhattarai

I have  created a button name "View ML template" when it is clicked template of ML can be seen in richTextBox2.
So what I have to do is: when like Agency name, Audit type, year etc. are filled outside the richTextBox2 then the template should display the complete Management letters under that Agency name and filled all the blanks in the template as per the details stored.
Also, I have created a Generate button and when this button is clicked after filling agency name, year and so on, then it will generate the management letter but not in  template format. Also, it has all the details needed to complete the management letter.
But I didnot get the idea how to code and when agency name ,audit type and so on is filled then the complete management letter can be displayed in the rich text box2 as a template format. It will be good if I can insert the pics so that you can clearly understand what I mean to say.
Thank you