
c++ programming for puzzle game

ped roneck

ped roneck

i'm ped from malaysia. i'm a final year student of diploma in one of the university in malaysia. as a final year student, i have to take the subject which is related to the computer programming called Final Year Project (FYP). my project is to develop a programe by using a c++ for a puzzle game. this puzzle game is using a picture. i'm now having a headache since i have no idea to start. how am i going to start the programe? yes. i know the basic but when its come to the middle i really dont know how start. is it the programe using an array? string? for the players to see their high score? and before we start the game...we should include the dialog box right? by the way i'm using the matrix concept : 3x3, 4x4, 5x5. so i start with the easy level which is 3x3 then the middle 4x4 and hard 5x5. how i'm going to move the box either to the left or to the right.....or maybe it can be move up or down. so there will be an empty space after we move the box to another space.what i'm going to "put" in the programe for the empty space? please....i really need help. i have to submit the manual solver before i move to automatic solver.