i have two thread they works in parallel.in formload i wrote
t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Print1));
t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Print2));
t1.Name = "Primary";
t2.Name = "Secondary";
i start the two threads from buttonClick.
private void Print1Print2ThreadClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
label2.Text = "To Run 2 Threads Parrelly";
if (t1.IsAlive == false) t1.Start();
if (t2.IsAlive == false) t2.Start();
//if (t1.IsAlive == false) t1.Abort();
//if (t2.IsAlive == false) t1.Abort();
they works fine but i could not restart the thread again without closing the program
i want to click that button again to restart the thread again and again