
Copy file to cloud server using web app(file selected through browser)

dip s

dip s


Hi all,

we have developed a web app using angular and asp.net mvc5. 

We want to provide file upload facility to user where user is accessing our web application from browser and user is selecting a file from his or her local computer and upload that file to drop box. 

what I tried is not working because I am not getting the file data or file path anthing when user selects file from browser.

What I tried is like,

1. I was trying to copy file to cloud server using FTP

2. and from cloud server , I am copying it to drop box.

But my 1st point is not working because i do not get anything about user's selected file. so how can I copy file (selected thorugh browser) from local machine to cloud server?


How can I do this?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.