
Convert Tif to PDFA using Acrobat pro API

venkii R

venkii R

Hi All,

I am using Acrobat Pro dlls and trying to convert TIF to PDF or PDF/A . none of the methods working for me. FIND THE ONE OF THE METHOD I USED... IT'S NOT WORKING FOR ME.

i have licenced version of Acrobat Pro 9 .

dlls refering for the same are acrobat, Acrobataccesslib,Pdfmaker.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Threading
Imports Acrobat

Dim AcroApp As CAcroApp
Dim AVDoc As CAcroAVDoc
Dim PDDoc As CAcroPDDoc
Dim IsSuccess As Boolean
Dim FileName As String
Dim Path As String

AcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
AVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")

FileName = "C:\Test.TIF"

Path = "C:/PdfConvert"

Call AVDoc.Open(FileName, "")

AVDoc = AcroApp.GetActiveDoc

If AVDoc.IsValid Then

PDDoc = AVDoc.GetPDDoc

' Fill in pdf properties.
PDDoc.SetInfo("Title", "My Title")
PDDoc.SetInfo("Author", "The Author")
PDDoc.SetInfo("Subject", "The Subject")
PDDoc.SetInfo("Keywords", "Keywords")

If PDDoc.Save(1 Or 4 Or 32, _
Path & "\pdf\convertedfile.pdf") <> True Then
MsgBox("Failed to save " & FileName)
End If


End If

'Close the PDF

PDDoc = Nothing
AVDoc = Nothing
AcroApp = Nothing

can anyone have knowledge on this please share it with me. it's little bit urgent.
et me know if you need any additioanl details from my side.

thanks in advance.