
Connect C# windows application to web based Sql server

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I have developed c# windows application which is currently working fine with lan based remote sql server using servers IP address. Now i want to host my Sql sever on web. I have hosted my database on web with the help of 'myLittleAdmin for Sql Server'. But i unable to access data from web based sql serve. My connection string is as follow -

connectionString="Data Source= servers_ip_address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog= database_name ;Integrated Security=False;User Id= uid ;Password= pass ;Trusted_Connection=true;"

Additional Detail:

.Net Framework - 4.0

Sqlserver - 2008

Just tell me what kind of changes i should do in connection string? Or what else changes or settings i should do?

If anyone have solution please let me know.


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