
Complete Newbie



Hi All

Our programmer has just left the company for pastures new and I have been left to pick up the pieces, unfortuantly I have never used MS SQL or Visual Studios 2005, but I am now required to support our in house applications, at the moment we are far to busy for me to go on any courses, so I am looking for tutorials or guidance..

At the moment I have a form in VS2005 with three text fields, FName, SName, Age. IN SQL I have a database called training, with a table called information with 3 fields First_Name, Last_Name, Age. I have a button on my VS2005 form called Add Record, so basically I want to be able to fill information in the text fields, click on the Add Record button and populate my SQL table.
On another VS2005 form I have 3 text fields again, but what I want this time is to display the record from my SQL table, and have some sort of buttons to move between records, add a record or delete a record..

Any help is appreciated


Answers (1)