
Code in VS2012 does not work but works in VS2010

A Repasky

A Repasky


Here is code that I have used over and over in other programs to create a comma delimited file.  I add it to a record for a number value column.  The code in yellow does not work in VS2012.  So I converted it back to VS2010 and it works.  It was in VS2010 and I converted it to VS2012.  I did not realize right away that the numbered columns did not have a value anymore.    I tried lots of things to get this to work. 

Thank you for anyone that can help on this.  I am supposed to do my development in VS2012.


                  for (int fcnt = 0; fcnt < dr.FieldCount; fcnt++)


                     if (fcnt == 21 && name == "Medical")


                        paidamt = paidamt + (decimal)dr.GetValue(fcnt);



                     //Handle strings

                     if (dr.GetValue(fcnt).GetType() == typeof(string))






                     //Handle numbers

                     else if (dr.GetValue(fcnt).GetType() == typeof(decimal))



                        //Handle dates

                     else if (dr.GetValue(fcnt).GetType() == typeof(int))






                     if (fcnt != dr.FieldCount - 1) sb.Append(",");


                  sw.WriteLine(sb.ToString());  // Print data rows






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