
code in c# very urgent in 2 days shopping cart

shashi kant

shashi kant


Questions::Create a table in sql server 2000 which contain details of products including category,product name and product price and product ID.Second table contains information about category i.e.category name, category ID. Implement Shopping Cart in which using gridview user can buy product.There must be an option to see all details of products that are purchased by user.This forms contain product name ,number of products purchased and total bill to be paid. In this form user can also revert his purchase i.e. he can decrease number of items purchased.The details are as follows:

1.First form contain a gridview  containing product name, product price,category
name and checkbox against each row to select product. This form also contain a button to be order a product and a link to see details of order made by him.

2.Second form contain gridview containing information such as product name,product price,number of products purchased from this form.Also a row should be in this grid containing total bill to be paid by user.

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