
Closing a Child Form



I've a Parent dialog Form which spawns multiple child dialog forms. These child dialog forms execuse the actual core of the program. But when I press "Ok" in the child form, I want the core program to take effect but close the child form. I've tried... form1.Close() but then it fails to execute the core of the program. All I'm doing these days is as soon as "Ok" is pressed, hiding the child dialog. Is hiding a form a normal programing pratice? I mean it's going to exists as long as the life of the parent dialog......but in the background. Is that normal? Is that how all the normal softwares out there work? Hiding all the child dialogs with "form1.Hide" when "Ok" is pressed and then when needed "form1.Show()" a req'd menu/button is invoked?? Thank you, thank you very much. :) JJ
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