hi there again guys as usual i have a problem which i would like some help with
i have a website with a textbox and a click button
also it has 2 check boxes
my plan is to enter a weblink into the textbox untick 2 check boxes and click submit button all in c# so i want my app to load page and enter details programatically , enter weblink , untick boxes , press submit button and allow page to load in c# webbrowser control with _self
please help guys thanks
the source code for the submit buttin is
form action="/includes/process.php?action=update" enctype="multipart/form-data"
onkeypress="return handleEnter(this, event)"
method="post" onsubmit="return updateLocation(this);" class="form">
the source for the check boxes are
input id="jsOnOff" name="js" type="hidden" value="0"/>
input type="checkbox" name="allowCookies" id="allowCookies" checked="checked">
label for="allowCookies" class="tooltip" onmouseover="tooltip('')" onmouseout="exit();">Allow Cookies</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="stripJS" id="stripJS" checked="checked">
label for="stripJS" class="tooltip" onmouseover="tooltip('')" onmouseout="exit();">Remove Scripts</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="stripObjects" id="stripObjects">
label for="stripObjects" class="tooltip" onmouseover="tooltip('')" onmouseout="exit();">Remove Objects</label>
and the source for the textbox is
input id="address_box" type="text" name="u" value="http://" size="42" onfocus="this.select()"/>