
Clear Form values at close

Harlem 98

Harlem 98


Hello. I´m trying to clear the values of an insert/edit form, which keep getting stored at a window after it closes, causing unexpected behaviour in my application, more specifically, not allowing it to open for a second time without full page reload.

So i found out that a proper way to do it would be by clearing the form at insert event, programatically. How should i do it properly? Or there is a better way?

// Creating form 

(...) //some other code

EditTs.Objecto = ts; //Storing the edit/insert form values

//save method on button click
                modeltable novo = new modeltable();

(...) //some other code




            RadScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "1", "Sys.Application.add_load(function(){{alert('O registo foi adicionado com sucesso!');}}, 500);", true);

 Objecto.Clear() ?????


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