
circular dependencies error

Now here is a conundrum which is bugging me for the past week, as I just want to brush up my rusting programming skills I come across this video “http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFgl71x1PX4” it seem quite interesting and I tried to take that as an inspiration and tried to follow the footsteps.
But I can tell you I have tried standing on my head and could not solve this problem, I don’t know that programmer who is writing this program has thrown fairy dust on spectators, he makes it so easy and functional but hell I cannot get pass the adding references bit it’s a three tire program I guess, it’s Access and Domain and Session. Believe me I have tried my best The main Access will in no circumstance will let me add reference and keep on giving me circular dependencies error.
Is he hiding something or as novice at the age of 46 I cannot get it, what is the problem ? I am using Visual Studio 2013 ! I am doing exactly as he is but it’s a no go, all comments help is welcome we learn from cradle to grave ;o)

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