
Cinema Booking Database

William Pires

William Pires

Hi everyone, first thanks for trying to help. I'm kind a new at database modeling and I'm trying to do a cinema booking website on ASP.NET MVC, at the moment I'm doing the database and I'm trying to figure out witch way is the best to do it.
database design at the moment: 
Movies are displayed by time at a room (cinema room with screen), example: Avengers at room 1 for 1 week, when I book, I want to book a seat, with that seat I can find the room and the movie. Thats the way Im seeing this, but there is another way of do it? Should i instead do movie sessions and include the movie on the session and not the room?
Can I improve something? This is the link of my github where i got the sketch of what i need as class on C# after import with Entety Framework.
Thank you guys.