
Checking Array Element by Element Picture

Mihaly Varga

Mihaly Varga

If you have already assigned a two-dimensional array with an image:

 private void PictureLoad()
            int k = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < pb.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < pb.GetLength(1); j++)
                    switch (Balls[k].EzColor)
                        case Color.RED:
                            pb[i, j].Image = Properties.Resources.red;
                        case Color.BLUE:
                            pb[i, j].Image = Properties.Resources.blue;
                        case Color.YELLOW:
                            pb[i, j].Image = Properties.Resources.yellow;
                        case Color.GREEN:
                            pb[i, j].Image = Properties.Resources.green;
                        case Color.PURPLE:
                            pb[i, j].Image = Properties.Resources.purple;

Later can you check  two elements in the array by the picture? So i have to check if the pk[0,1] and pb[0,2] have the same picture?

I tried this:

public bool Check()

            if (pb[0, 0].Image == pb[0, 1].Image)

                return true;
            else return false;

Its not working, if i have the same picture in the 0. and 1. place this code cant see that is the same picture.
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