
changing the value of index1

ram son

ram son


What I am trying to do is, by using a command button or a timer, display the data sequentially, one line at a time in labels.But I also want to be able to control the start and end points in the data sequence -- for example I might want the data between 1-200, then btween 400-620 and so on.

This snippet

  1. If index1 < 1323 Then
  2. index1 = index1 + 1
  3. Else
  4. 'MsgBox "This is the last record of the data"
  5. Label1.Caption = line_value1(index1)     
  6. End If

works fine as long as I don't change the value of index1.
But as soon as I set index1=50 then it doesn't work right.

The label will display the line_value at line #50, but doesn't move to the next line as in the original where it keeps going till the end of the data in the file.

I am wondering if index1 is set as 1 by default in vb.net and cannot be changed this way because this  worked fine in vb6 also. Any ideas why it doesn't work in vbnet.
Any help is realy appreciated
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