I want to change the text of a place on OpenLayers map, it needs to be changed from Persian Gulf to Arabian Gulf
I tried to see if there is any way I can make this change using the OpenLayers API documentation and found no luck.
Following is code :
- import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
- import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
- vectorSource = new VectorSource({
- url: '/assets/data/countries.json',
- format: new GeoJSON()
- });
- mapLayer = new VectorLayer({
- source: this.vectorSource,
- declutter: true
- });
- markerLayer = new VectorLayer({
- source: new VectorSource({}),
- style: this.mapStyle
- });
- linesLayer = new VectorLayer({
- source: new VectorSource({}),
- style: this.lineStyle
- });
Is there any way to change this? I am still going through the OpenLayers API to find if there is anyway.
Following is the map location