I using angular 7
google map already display without points pushed on it .
meaning all points not display on map although i have latitude and
longtude for more points
but these points not exists on map .
step 1 : on html component
- <agm-map
- [latitude]="lat"
- [longitude]="lng"
- [zoom]="zoom"
- [disableDefaultUI]="false"
- [zoomControl]="false">
- <agm-marker
- *ngFor="let m of markers;"
- [latitude]="m.lat"
- [longitude]="m.long"
- >
- </agm-marker>
- </agm-map>
step2 :service.ts
- getLocationData(ids: Array<number>) {
- let observableBatch = [];
- ids.forEach((id) => {
- observableBatch.push(
- this.http.get(''+id)
- .map(res => res ));
- });
- return Observable.forkJoin(observableBatch);
- }
step3 :on component.ts
export class ManagelocationsComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
- this.partDetailsService.getLocationData(locationArr).subscribe(res => {
- res.forEach((item, index) => {
- let dataLocation = res[index]['_source']['GPS1'];
- var loc = dataLocation.split(',');
- this.markers.push(
- parseFloat(loc[0].trim()),
- parseFloat(loc[1].trim())
- })
- console.log("marker values is" + this.markers);
Result points for latitude and longtude from browser
- marker values is
- 5.2951916,100.28825170000005,30.788892,120.632503,13.658933,100.634069,10.328074,123.983185,31.332119,120.723465,31.9195204,120.1029251,18.588375,99.033632,31.301726,120.673733,31.306624,121.616856,14.3091,121.033,22.783944,113.798342,14.173507,121.129545,29.9211,103.797,10.328071,123.98318500000005,2.679124,101.978932,34.593,133.495,43.6407309,-70.32520110000002,31.8406,120.482,1.37437,103.863366,15.4507,120.605,37.5127,126.786
google map not show points above why and how to solve it .