
cannot perform = operation on system.int32

public void MatchedDocumentsInFileCabinet(string MainFolder, string SubFolder, string FileName, string FilePath)
// Checking Main Folder is present in FileCabinet, if present retrieving MainFolderID if not Inserting MainFolderName
if (SelectedFileCabinetID == "")
SelectedFileCabinetID = "1";
int Mainfoldercount = 0;
DocSortResult getfolderdetails = objFolderManager.GetFolderDetails();
DataTable getFolderNames = new DataTable();
if (getfolderdetails.resultDS != null && getfolderdetails.resultDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
Below line is showing error cannot perform '=' operation on system.int32 and system.string 
DataRow[] drResult = getfolderdetails.resultDS.Tables[0].Select("FileCabinet_ID = '" + SelectedFileCabinetID + "'" + "and" + " ParentFolderID = '" + "0" + "'" + "and" + " IsDelete = '" + "True" + "'");
if (drResult.Count() != 0)
getFolderNames = drResult.CopyToDataTable();
if (getFolderNames != null && getFolderNames.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow dr in getFolderNames.Rows)
if (dr["Folder_Name"].ToString().ToUpper() == MainFolder.ToUpper())
Mainfoldercount += 1;
MainFolderID = dr["Folder_ID"].ToString();
if (Mainfoldercount == 0)
DocSortResult objinsertintofolder = objFolderManager.InsertFolderDetails(SelectedFileCabinetID, MainFolder.ToUpper(), "0", "True");
if (objinsertintofolder.resultDS != null && objinsertintofolder.resultDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow dr = objinsertintofolder.resultDS.Tables[0].Rows[0];
MainFolderID = dr["FolderId"].ToString();
m_sMainFolderFile = null;
if (m_sMainFolderFile == null)
m_sMainFolderFile = m_sRootFile + "\\" + MainFolder.ToUpper();
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(m_sMainFolderFile))
if (SubFolder != "")
// Checking Sub Folder is present in Main Folder of FileCabinet, if present retrieving SubFolderID if not Inserting SubFolderName into MainFolder
int Subfoldercount = 0;
DocSortResult objgetfolderdetails = objFolderManager.GetFolderDetails();
DataTable getSubFolderNames = new DataTable();
if (objgetfolderdetails.resultDS != null && objgetfolderdetails.resultDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow[] drResult = objgetfolderdetails.resultDS.Tables[0].Select("ParentFolderID = '" + MainFolderID + "'" + "and" + " ParentFolderID <> '" + 0 + "'" + "and" + " IsDelete = '" + "True" + "'");
if (drResult.Count() != 0)
getSubFolderNames = drResult.CopyToDataTable();
if (getSubFolderNames != null && getSubFolderNames.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow dr in getSubFolderNames.Rows)
if (dr["Folder_Name"].ToString().ToUpper() == SubFolder.ToUpper())
Subfoldercount += 1;
SubFolderID = dr["Folder_ID"].ToString();
if (Subfoldercount == 0)
DocSortResult objinsertintofolder = objFolderManager.InsertFolderDetails(SelectedFileCabinetID, SubFolder.ToUpper(), MainFolderID, "True");
if (objinsertintofolder.resultDS != null && objinsertintofolder.resultDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
DataRow dr = objinsertintofolder.resultDS.Tables[0].Rows[0];
SubFolderID = dr["FolderId"].ToString();
// creating sub folders in FileCabinets path and moving that file into it
m_sSubFolderFile = null;
if (m_sSubFolderFile == null)
m_sSubFolderFile = m_sMainFolderFile + "\\" + SubFolder.ToUpper();
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(m_sSubFolderFile))
System.IO.File.Copy(FilePath, m_sSubFolderFile + "\\" + FileName, true);
Answers (5)