Why I need native dll/exe ?
To protect from decompilers which retrive 99% source code back from the binary.
Native build binaries can show only assembly after decompile.
Question 1:
Can we make native output dll/exe from .NET core and publish it in any Windows web Server ?
I tried the below solutions and published on local IIS, but no success.
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.DotNet.ILCompiler" Version="1.0.0-alpha-29408-02" />
I get few errors every try like below:
Tried A)
Error thrown: HTTP Error 500.38 - ANCM Application DLL Not Found
Common solutions to this issue:
Application DLL not found. Confirm the application dll is present.
Single-file deployments are not supported in IIS
(Only on IIS ? May be yes on the real world servers ?)
Tried B)
Error thrown: HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure
Question 2:
Can we host .NET Core website on any Linux Web hosting servers like Hostinger/HostGator/SiteGround etc ?
I think on Linux VPS we can host, but I ask regular web hosting servers.
Question 3:
Is there any successful proven .NET to Native dll/exe converter which works for Web Application ?
I tried http://www.dotnetnative.online/
But they refuse dll and may support only WinForm applications, not sure.
I think most of you may say Obfuscation is the only solution.
But what is the use. There are so many De-Obfuscators also available for free.
And most of the obfuscated binaries won't work properly.