I am tried following query
- SET IDENTITY_INSERT StudentSubjectRegistration ON
- GO
- Insert Into StudentSubjectRegistration
- SELECT StudentSubjectRegistrationID, StudentSemesterRegistrationID, StudentRegCode, DivisionID, SemesterActivationID, SemesterID, BranchesSubjectDetailID,
- SubjectDetailsID, SubjectCategoryID, SubjectGroupPID, NoOfAttempt, StudentStatusPID, ParentSubject, SubjectCode, FacultySubjectMappingID, OrgGrade,
- OrgGradePoint, TotalMark, IsReExamRegistered, IsAllowReExam, IsEquivalence, IsMedicalReason, AwardedGrade, AwardedGradePoint, SubjectCredit,
- EvalutionTypePID, CreditGradePoint, IsFeedBackSubmitted, YearID, CollegeID, IsEnabled, IsAccepted, IsAccRejected, AccComment, IsApproved, IsAppRejected,
- AppComment, IsFreezed, IsArchived, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn
- FROM OEPIS.dbo.StudentSubjectRegistration
- WHERE (StudentRegCode = 111615003) AND (SemesterActivationID = 239) AND (SemesterID = 190) AND (YearID = 12) AND (SubjectCode IN ('CSE-16005'))
- Go
- SET IDENTITY_INSERT StudentSubjectRegistration Off
- GO
But still error showing in sql
An explicit value for the identity column in table 'StudentSubjectRegistration' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
So please guide me