
Can anyone make a script to show the correct ram of a video card

Nico Klaase

Nico Klaase

Hi, a friend of mine is making an app,
but he can't manage to script the videocard ram if the video card has more than 4gb.
E.g .: my son has the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER of 8GB,
his script then shows a RAM memory (1,048,576) bytes.
DX_Diag does show 8GB of ram memory, but he can't do anything with it because that program saves it as a .txt file.
Is there a way to read the video card 8GB ram with a script to show the correct RAM of a video card.
As that NVidia Geforce DUAL-RTX 2070-8G has 8GB ram the routine maxes out at 4GB which is the limitation of the 32 bit API system, i have found a long winded way to get the ram figure out of the registry (two places in fact), but it not reliable as intel gfx gives a result of 0x00000040 (64 mb) so cannot really use that way.
dxdiag will show the correct amounts BUT its txt or xml file is very awkward to parse to get the data if more than one adaptor is fitted as i cannot see any DeviceID markers so i can split the data into sections.
So any Gfx adaptor that has more than 4Gib (Dedicated/Shared) will either result in a negative amount (rare now) or max 4GiB showing. as even 64bit windows has only 32bit API/WMIc operatives!
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