
Calling Javascript funtion from Master Page

Manoj Bisht

Manoj Bisht


Hello Friends,

I'm providing the Javascript validation(s) in the Content Page of the Master Page

So my Javascript validation's code is given below :-

function validation()


if(document.getElementById("<%=ddlProgramme.ClientID %>").value=="Select")


window.alert("Please Select Your Programme");

document.getElementById("<%=ddlProgramme.ClientID %>").focus();

return false;


if(document.getElementById("<%=txtName.ClientID %>").value=="")


window.alert("Please Enter Your Name");

document.getElementById("<%=txtName.ClientID %>").focus();

return false;




and also provide the path for this js file in the Master Page as given below

<script language="javascript" src="../Script/JScript2.js"></script>

But my validation is not being fired as it must be....and also not throwing any error.............


But if i put my js code  given above in the content page directly then it works perfectly...........................

But  i want to call my validation in js file and want to call them from master page or content page........