
Call my articles BEGINNER

Andrew Fenster

Andrew Fenster

I don't really like this new feature on C# Corner where articles are ranked Beginner, Intermediate, etc.

One of the reasons I write articles is for career advancement.  I have links to my articles on my resume.  Potential clients click on these and look at my articles. 

So now on some of my articles you've put a bold green declaration that this is a BEGINNER article.  That's a problem for me.  I'm trying to look good to potential customers, and some of my articles are getting ranked BEGINNER.

And some articles, not just mine, really aren't beginner articles.  Just because an article explains how to do something doesn't make it a beginner article.  It may be an introductory article, but (for example) beginners are not configuring WCF for reliable messaging. 

So I would suggest either getting rid of the whole Beginner, Intermediate thing altogether or at least using a different word instead of BEGINNER.  Maybe TUTORIAL.
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