
Call Executable File of Local Machine From Citrix

Can we run an executable file of the client computer from an application hosted in Citrix?

I already tried too many options like PsExec, Process.Start() with Username-Password, etc. But I could not able to find the solution.

In every solution I got Error - "Access is Denied" or "Username or Password is Incorrect".
  1. ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();  
  2. startInfo.FileName = "notepad.exe";  
  3. startInfo.Domain = "XXX";  
  4. startInfo.Password = new NetworkCredential("","myPCPassword").SecurePassword;  
  5. startInfo.UserName = "myusername";  
  6. startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;  
  7. Process start = Process.Start(startInfo);  
I expect that .exe file would be opened in local machine. but it's not working.