Calculate distance using GetDistanceTo for GeoCoordinate
I have to calculate the distance between 2 places using latitude and longitude.
Here I am calculating distance between Delhi and Gurgaon.
refer :
using System.Device.Location;
GeoCoordinate distanceFrom=new GeoCoordinate();
GeoCoordinate distanceTo=new GeoCoordinate();
distanceFrom.Latitude = 77.2167;
distanceFrom.Longitude = -28.6667;
distanceTo.Latitude = 77.0333;
distanceTo.Longitude = -28.4667;
double distance = distanceFrom.GetDistanceTo(distanceTo);
However I don't know in what unit the value is return(kilometer or miles).
And also I am not sure whether the value return is correct or not.
Please help me to sort out the issue.