
C#.net working with data adapter designer



I am modifying a C#.net 2008 windows forms application, and I have the following questions about using the designer when working with data adapter tables designer.

**Note: what I am working on is having a production database change. I am going to use the same desktop application. I just need to change tables and/or columns when it is appropriate.

1. In one table adpate, a new table is going to replace the orginal table. The table names are different and the column names are different, but the two tables basically contain the same data. I want to use the same table adpter, but point to the new table. The designer will not let me remove all columns from the original table. Thus, I would like to know what you suggest I do.

2. One main table is being broken up into 5 tables since the original table  contained so many columns. Thus my plan is to  join all the new tables together into one tableadapter (the original way).  Basically I will use the one original data adapter, to limit the amount of code changes I will have. Thus,is this a good idea? How would you accomplish this task?