
C#.net 2008 tablelayoutpanel




I have the following two questions to about some auto generated code in a C#.net 2008 desktop application:

1. In this application this application there are several tablelayoutpanels. One tablelayoutpanel contains a dropdown list, labels, and textboxes where users can enter what they are selecting. Looking at the C#.net code, there is a messsage sayingthis code was autogenerated. Thus, i want to be able to edit these embedded controls using a designer and have not succeeded. i have clicked on everything possible and that has not worked. Thus can you tell me how to edit these embedded controls using the designer?

2. Also looking at the C#.net auto generated code, i would find something like 'label8' refers to a label in this autogenerated code. Thus is there anyway i can do a 'search' in the visual studio.net to find the 'label8' name in the visual designer?

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