I connected my database file to the visual studio using data source.
I open data source window and add data source. When add data source it prompted the below message box.
I clicked yes button. Then data file is copied to the project directoy.
DataFile 1 - C:\Users\mypc\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\AutoSpa Xpress\AutoSpa Xpress\bin\Debug
DataFile 2 - C:\Users\mypc\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\AutoSpa Xpress\AutoSpa Xpress
Original datafile is located in
DataFile 1
After I did above operation data file is copied to
DataFile 2
My connection string of app.config is
ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = |DataDirectory|\AutoSpa.mdb"
Connenction String name is
Provider Name
My Problem is
When I insert some values using windows form they are inserted into data file ( DataFile 1) , but data file (DataFile 2) not update (There is no new value which i was added).
When I re-run my project data load from Data File 2 and DataFile 2 is overwrite on DataFile 1. Values which I was inserted are missing.
How to solve this problem?