
C# web page




 I am a newbie when it comes to writing an web page in C#.net 2008 or possibly in C#.net 2010.
I do have some experience in modifying C#.net desktop and console applications.
I am basically trying to determine how  to setup this first webpage and what are the recomended components to put in this webpage. This webpage will be a link on the company website.
(*Note; There are other webpages being created by contractors that I can not look at right now. The contractors will not give my comapny the code unitl it is production ready.)

  On this webpage i perfer to use asp.net versus some of the other methods i have read about on the internet. I prefer to drag and drop components (objects) from the tool kit onto the visual studio.net ide. I do not want to write all the code from scratch. if possible, I would like to use compoents that have lots of features built into them. For example on a desktop application, you can drag and drop an obejct where the various tabs are included in the component for the user to click on.

  In this new web applcation the following are some of the requirements:
  1. The user will select various items from drop downmenus to find the records they want to updated.
  2. This webpage will be the update feature in phase 1. The browser feature  of the webpage will occur in phase 2 (look at data). The browser feature wil be a second link to the company webpage.
  3. There will be lots of information for the user to enter. there will be lots of dates to enter. Thus i would need some kind of a date picker object.
  4. There will be like 6 date fields that tie to one database column meaning invalid date. thus if any of the 6 date fields are invalid,then the invalid date flag needs to be set.
  5. I know all the data can not display all on one web page. Thus I may need the user to scroll down the web page or scroll to the side. Is there a good way to handle this situation?

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