
C# SQL Connection class

thiago costa

thiago costa

Hello there guys,

I installed MSSQL server 2008 Enterprize, I got a table there, with a few colums (Fname, Lname, etc etc... they are jst a test, all in Vchar10 atm)

How would I make a Database Connection with c# ? ...

Back in the days, my friend Vinoth, wrote me a nice class...

I lost it since my hdd blew up ... I had 2 text boxes, Login (sa) password, and a login button... It would login into my database...

Then I had some query commands to select what ever, and bring data to a datagrid ....

I am trying to do the same kind of thing, but at the same time, I want to be able to update the database (after logged into it with my c# program) I want
to be able to update the table by writting into the datagrid ...

Also, futurely, I want to add a SELECT checkbox into the datagrid so that I can select the following line down to another datagrid upon a click ...

I want to develop a software for me, because I am going to start selling auto parts, and I want to create my own system...
After I have something, I want to get into printing invoices with the software etc...

I posted an exaple of what I want to have acomplished...
the example below, makes so the selected line (highlighted in blue) goes to the bottom datagrid after clicking on a button, and from there it creates the order, then it goes to the customer section after that but I don't want to go to crazy, I wanna do the database connection work first lol..

Also, will I have to use any odbc settings to stablish connections ? or is it doable by just IP ? ... when I was hosting a game back in the days (4 years ago) I needed ODBC for a bunch of stuff, but I wasn't really fluent I kinda had no idea what I was doing I just struggled toomuch, and got a lot of help from my friend vinoth ...

Thanks for reading guys.

Please help... thanks

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