I am performing one Client socket operation to send and receive data from FTP server.
I have set an buffer size to 15 Kb to send and receive data.
While sending data it sends 15 Kb properly and thers no problem.
But while performing receive operation i have used the following method :
SecureSocket ClientDataSocket;
int Result = ClientDataSocket.Receive(Data,Buffer,0);
//Write Result to file;
when the above method is get evaluated in the do-while loop.
Since Buffer limit is 15 kb ,First time Result gets value around 13Kb but next time in loop it gets 4 Kb.
and this alternate feature continues till the whole file is received.
Due to this my File receive operation take more time then expeted ..
Please help me how can i get the constant 15 kb while receiving from server.
By how much KB can i increase the buffer size for optimal result for send and receive to be faster.
Waiting for reply..