
C# Setup create shortcut

Jijgee Jamsran

Jijgee Jamsran


I have created a setup for my program by doing the following

  • add 'Setup Project' to the solution.
  • right click on Project, select 'View' => 'file system'
  • add 'primary output' to the Application Folder
  • create shortcut by right clicking on the primary output file
  • move this shortcut to the 'User's Desktop' folder Any idea how this can be handled?

This setup creates shortcut icon on my desktop but the shortcut has the wrong target set.
The target shown is 'MyInstaller' (where 'MyInstaller' is deployment project name ).
When I check other shortcuts available on my desktop, I found Target is set to '"C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe"' (for example).
Why all the shortcuts created by me do not have such target? I wanted to use the target to process my documents.