c# print out number of sellers per level
I'm very new to C# and is having a bit of a loop problem.
At the moment I have a group of sellers that needs to be counted by the amount of articles sold. They are already assigned to their respective level by the following conditions:
if (seller[i].articles < 50)
seller[i].level = 1;
if (seller[i].articles >= 50 && seller[i].articles < 100)
seller[i].level = 2;
if (seller[i].articles >= 100 && seller[i].articles < 200)
seller[i].level = 3;
if (seller[i].articles >= 200)
seller[i].level = 4;
However, a slight problem arises when I want to count how many of the sellers that actually are in respective level.
This might lend a clue to figure out what I'm trying to achieve:
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (seller[i].level == i)
Console.WriteLine("Numbers of sellers in level {0}: {1}", seller[i].level, count);