
C# outlook, contextmenu & getting info from selected contact

furb duustah

furb duustah


I'm creating a [CTI] application in C# that connects with an asterisk server and dials numbers.
I want this application to be built-in into Outlook 2010 as an Addin.

What's my question/problem: 1. How can I create a contextmenu when I rightclick a (individual)contact in the contactslist?
2. How do I get the phone information of the selected contact, and add this information as an "child"/submenu into the contextmenu (like this: [IMAGE]) 

I've spent 2 days on finding solutions, but I've made no progress at all.
What did I manage to do: create a context menu in Outlook, but not specific in the contactslist. I've managed to get phone information when I opened a (individual) contact, but not getting the information while it was only selected.

Please help me!
All help is appreciated.

[CTI] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_telephony_integration
[IMAGE] - http://www.compendiumdev.co.uk/compendium-ta/casestudies/webandrss/contextMenu.gif
Answers (4)