
C# Open,Close,Hide custom forms

Brandon Baum

Brandon Baum

I am trying to build an application for a psychology doctorate study.  I'm using a MIDI project in C#. I want to open a form with a series of questions on it, frmQuestions.  When frmQuestions loads, I want to show a form that displays the instructions.  On this form I want a button for the user to confirm when they have finished reading the instructions.  When this button is clicked I want it to close the Instruction form.

private void frmQuestions_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form childForm = new Instructions();
            childForm.MdiParent = this.ParentForm;

on the instruction form I have this code so far.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       this.Close; //I tried this
       this.Hide; // I tried this as well.
       this.Parent.Show; //still not working.

I know I'm missing something obvious, any pointers would be helpful.
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