
C# help

Tom white

Tom white

can any one help me with this please?

OO Programming
Create an appropriate GUI to enter information for at least 10 students. For each student you have to enter the following information: student ID number, student's first and last names, date of birth consisting of day, month and year and an average mark. Check for correctness the input data (e.g. the ID number is a positive number, the marks are integer numbers between 0 and 100, the date of birth must be a valid date, etc.). Make sure the program processes only correct information about each student.

Create a separate class Student, containing student's information in the form: student ID number, student's first and last name, day, month and year of birth and average mark. The class should have constructors, properties and methods. Store the information about all the students in an array of type Student. After reading from the GUI the information about a particular student, create an object of class Student (element of the array) with the relevant constructor.
The user would like to be able to find the first three students with the highest marks and display information about them sorted by their dates of birth. Provide the user with an appropriate GUI (e.g. a message box) to display the required information.

I am using visual studio professional 2010 

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