
C#, Generic, VS2008: Generic, class type, Byte Array

richard payne

richard payne

Sorry for deleting the previous thread by mistake, it was acceptable answer. I would like to thank for that.

I have other issue related to this

I have class which contains the byte array to store discrete hex data.....

        public class DataFrameGenericClass
            private UInt16 m_Page;
            private Byte[] m_LIN_Array_Message1;   // 7 byte Data + ID + CRC = 9 Byte Total
            private Byte[] m_LIN_Array_Message2;   // 7 byte Data + ID + CRC = 9 Byte Total

            public DataFrameGenericClass(UInt16 Page)
                this.m_Page = Page;
                this.m_LIN_Array_Message1 = new Byte[9];
                this.m_LIN_Array_Message2 = new Byte[9];

            public UInt16 Page                      { get { return m_Page; }                set { m_Page = value; } }
            public Byte[] LIN_Array_Message1        { get { return m_LIN_Array_Message1; }  set { m_LIN_Array_Message1 = value; } }
            public Byte[] LIN_Array_Message2        { get { return m_LIN_Array_Message2; }  set { m_LIN_Array_Message2 = value; } }


I have Generic type with constraints

        public class DataFrameCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T> where T : DataFrameGenericClass      // "where T : Employee" Constraining type to Employee class only, (not to string or int).
            List<T> DataFrameList = new List<T>();

            public void Add(T element)                      // Add element at the bottom of the index (new data entry)

            public T Get(int index)                         // Get element at specfied index
                return DataFrameList[index];

            public void Update(int index, UInt16 Page)  ///<<<<<< Previous C#Corner thread
                T record = Get(index);
                record.Page = Page;

            public void Modify_LINArrayMessage1(int index, Byte[] message)  // Modify element array at specfied index <<<<<< Previous C#Corner thread
                T record = Get(index);
                record.LIN_Array_Message1 = message;
                //DataFrameList[index].LIN_Array_Message1 = message;

            public void Modify_LINArrayMessage2(int index, Byte[] message)  // Modify element at specfied index
                DataFrameList[index].LIN_Array_Message2 = message;

            public void Modify_Page(int index, UInt16 page16)  // Modify element at specfied index
                DataFrameList[index].Page = page16;

            public void TraceDumpData(int index)
                Trace.WriteLine("RawMessage:" + DataFrameList[index].RawMessage.ToString());
                //### TODO Display LIN Array Message                

            //foreach support
            IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()
                return DataFrameList.GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
                return DataFrameList.GetEnumerator();

Then I have main code

DataFrameCollection<DataFrameGenericClass> DataFrameLIN = new DataFrameCollection<DataFrameGenericClass>();
.... I created the record 

DataFrameLIN.Add(new DataFrameGenericClass(0));
DataFrameLIN.Add(new DataFrameGenericClass(1));
DataFrameLIN.Add(new DataFrameGenericClass(2));

            Byte[] LinAddress1 = new Byte[9];
            Byte[] LinAddress2 = new Byte[9];

// Fill data with LinAddress1 and LinAddress2

LinAddress2[0] 0x01; LinAddress2[1] 0xFF; etc etc etc

I then update generic records, note that index = 0;

                DataFrameLIN.Modify_LINArrayMessage1(0, LinAddress1);
                DataFrameLIN.Modify_LINArrayMessage2(0, LinAddress2); 

I then modify the LinAddress1 and 2

LinAddress2[0] 0x11; LinAddress2[1] 0x44; etc etc etc

I then update generic records, note that index = 1;

                DataFrameLIN.Modify_LINArrayMessage1(1, LinAddress1);
                DataFrameLIN.Modify_LINArrayMessage2(1, LinAddress2); 

But during debug, I found that the array within index 0 has same value as index 1 array. 

It seem it reference to LinAddress1  rather than value as this would explain same value. How to isolate reference between these two so it retains corrects value?


PS:Again, very sorry for deleting the thread, it was a mistake as I click too quickly!

Answers (1)