
C# DropDownList (Combobox) and SQL 2008 Express

Arno Swanepoel

Arno Swanepoel


Good day all experts

I am new comer to the world of C# programming and I am very excited to have found this site.
Well done to all parties involve.

I have started a "project" and I require some assistance please.

Background: I have managed to create a project that connects to a SQL database (with a lot of help coming from watching online tutorials and reading up on the forums on this site.)
Thus far I am able to add a new name, surname and preferred name.
I have also added a dropdownlist or better known as a combobox on my form. (this is where I am getting stuck, but more on that later.

The problem: I have a combobox, which I would like to have linked to SQL Express Database and list items in a specific table within in my database. I haven't been able to do this successfully as yet and this is where I would like to ask for assistance with please.  

End Result: I would like add data into all the required feels and with that be able to select the combobox, select an item within the drop down list and be able to click on Submit and all the data will be entered into my SQL database.  

I have included my code I have been able to write to my request.

Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter

Kind regards,

Attachment: code.zip

Answers (5)