
C# Console application Can someone help me out!

Omar Tharwat

Omar Tharwat

Write a C# console application which builds a single list of vehicles from any appropriate source and then prints the details of all the vehicles in the list out to the console. A vehicle can be one of 3 types: Car, Motorbike, Boat All 3 types have the following, common properties: Engine, Manufacturer, Model Each vehicle also has properties which are unique to each vehicle type. For example, a car has 4 wheels, a motorbike has 2 and a boat has a propeller
Should i use Enum For car manifacturer if yes how can i do so with properties?
Should i make the base class as an abstract Class?
Should i override My properties?
Should i use Interfaces or properties for Engine ?
Can someone please provide a code sample, i would be very thankful 
Answers (2)